Dwarves, Orcs and Elves Take Flight with Air New Zealand

24 Oct 14 5 Comments

Air New Zealand, the official airline of Middle-Earth, have once again taken the world by storm with their safety video. They’ve called it The Most Epic Airline Safety Video Ever and it’s guaranteed to keep passengers’ attention during pre-flight announcements.

Keep your eyes peeled for Frodo, Fili, and Radagast and even director Peter Jackson! Ian McKellen was not available to play Gandalf so instead, film-maker and safety video director Taika Waititi filled in. Apparently his passenger is a well-known baseball player, Naoyuki Shimizu.

As the official airline of Middle-earth, Air New Zealand has gone all out to celebrate the third and final film in The Hobbit Trilogy – The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Starring Elijah Wood and Sir Peter Jackson; we’re thrilled to unveil The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made.

The video was filmed in the Middle-Earth locations of New Zealand over the course of a week. Their first Hobbit safety video had more than twelve million views and the current video The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made #airnzhobbit has already had over three million views as I write this.

I usually recommend against reading comments on You Tube but this piss-take of searching for symbolism really did make me laugh:

The safety position in case of emergency is designed to break your neck so flight companies wont have to pay you for cure of possible injury for long time, they only will have to pay few bucks to your relatives if you die.

I have proof: the video length was 4:38 which gets rounded to 5, this video was about Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings has the Sauron eye, humans have 2 eyes.
5 -2=3 : Triangle has 3 corners
Triangle looks like nose. Humans have one nose which looks like triangle and 2 eyes,
2-1 makes 1 eye
The Illuminati’s symbol is triangle with eye in middle of it! They spoke about illuminated signs, I found them.

Maybe not.

Sadly, they’ve said that this is the last of their Hobbit-themed works. The YouTube video will at least help to tide me over until the final Hobbit film comes out in December… although if anyone wants to fund a flight to New Zealand, I’m happy to check the safety video out in person!

Category: Miscellaneous,


  • As someone who’s totally not into the hobbit I just find the whole thing irritating and very long winded and I lose interest before the end. I’d rather see a normal safety video.


  • Aww! But yes, I’m sure I’m swayed by the fact that I’m a rabid Tolkein fan. If it helps, I felt the same about their swimsuit issue version.

  • Maidbloke,
    You must be just about the only one to lose interest when viewing this gem.
    How many air travellers actually watch the safety briefing that is normally shown?
    Nowadays nearly everyone travels by air on a more or less regular basis and virtually NOBODY watches the safety announcements.
    Sylvia, if you think we will collect money so that you can look for yourself you will be sadly disappointed. I would use any collected dough to see it for myself ! (I am a hobbit fan, read The Hobbit twice and the Lord of the Rings probably three times before I saw the movie !)

  • I’m another of those lose interest folk, especially as I despise the Tolkien stuff. I do wish the airlines would figure out more effective ways of doing the safety briefings. For example how about doing them in the lounge while people wait to board, and let people try to put on masks and lifejackets. Or show how people who are taller than 5’3″ are actually supposed to brace.

  • Roger,
    Even if you do not like Tolkien (I love his stories, even though I must admit that I find them far better when reading them in book form, rather than watching them in movie-form).
    Apart from that, I must applaud the effort to make the safety briefing a bit more interesting.
    Roger certainly has a point, but it will be far too expensive and difficult to effect.
    Have you ever sat in a departure lounge? Yes of course you have.
    So you are aware of the fact that the passengers are only in the same place (at the gate) shortly before boarding. Many are in the toilets or shops, are lost in the airport concours or are just running to make the flight because they arrived at the very last moment.
    Then the cacaphony of background noises. Departure announcements, final calls.
    The airline may want to get everyone on board quickly because of a departure slot time which they risk losing whilst everyone is held at the gate for the safety briefing.
    No Roger, I am afraid your suggestion will not work. The safety briefing is now (has been for quite some time) a legal requirement. The one and only time when they (and the legal eagles) can be sure that every passenger on board can listen to and watch the safety briefing is after boarding has been completed, the doors of the aircraft are closed and the stairs removed. The ultimate “captive audience”.
    Because the law only requires that all passengers have access to the briefing, the airline has no further legal obligation to actually watch, listen or read them.
    Before boarding the airline cannot guarantee that every person has been provided with access to a safety briefing. So if something happens, someone gets injured and the victim puts in a massive compensation claim, the airline can only successfully argue that the passenger did have access to the safety briefing if he or she had been given this briefing (and the opportunity to read the information on the safety cards in the seat pockets) in the aircraft with the doors closed.

    I know I am long-winded here but safety, and the legal consequences, are a very serious matter.

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