Destination: Glenforsa

17 Jul 09 3 Comments


It took a couple of visits before I felt confident landing at Glenforsa airfield. It’s a grass runway with no margin for error: hills on one side and the Sound of Mull on the other. Having said that, there has never been a serious injury at Glenforsa although the Glenforsa Airfield History includes some incredible photographs including this one:

wizard prang

See the history page on the Glenforsa Airfield Web site for more great photographs and the story of the airfield.

Location: Glenforsa is on the east side of the Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides, Scotland

Airfield: Glenforsa Airfield (Mull)
Website: Home – Glenforsa Airfield
Phone Number: 01680 300402 / 07799 744908
Hours: PPR Essential 0900-1700
Frequencies: 120.8
Runways: 07/25 (marked as 08/26) grass 780m x 28m
Airfield Height: 15′
Notes: level end to end but slowping down to the sea. Attempt to land on the high (south) side of the runway.
Circuit Height: all circuits to the north at 800ft
Fuel: None
Weather Info: If possible on “Fly-in” days, advisory weather will be placed on the answer-phone attached to 01680 300402 and this will only be updated if there is any significant change to the advised conditions.
Divert: Oban Airport, 18nm SE

See also: Destination: Oban

Turning Base for Dog Leg

Joining instructions: If possible, join overhead at 1,500ft. If using R07 then fly a curved approach from base leg, inside the hill.

Google Map View

The notes for the airfield have a wonderful personal touch. I found it reassuring to know that the strip is clear of sheep at weekends. You are also warned that accommodation on the island is limited but you can camp for free beside your aircraft.

I can vouch for the fact that David Howitt, who administers the airfield, is always helpful and willing to go the extra mile to help make visits to Mull a success. On one occassion, when the weather closed in around the island, he got in touch with Scottish Info to pass us a message so that we had plenty of time to choose an appropriate divert. He’s happy to arrange a rental car if you give him plenty of notice, so that you can land at the airfield and immediately make your way to your holiday destination. And when I expressed some reluctance to take the plane off on damp grass heading directly into a hill, he took the time to reassure me as well as offering practical advice as to when to abort and how to minimise the risk in general terms.


Glenforsa Hotel has a webcam pointing at the airfield. A big fat raindrop just landed on it while I was watching but usually you get a clear view of the runway and the windsock.

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