Help Promote my New Book – Case Files: 2003

28 Oct 16 4 Comments

I’m excited to announce that the third book in my Why Planes Crash series will be out next Tuesday, the 1st of November!

Cover of Why Planes Crash Case Files 2003

Why Planes Crash Case Files: 2003 follows eleven aircraft disasters from 2003, detailing how the accidents happened and how they might have been avoided. This “CSI for aviation enthusiasts” series examines both the history and the current climate of aviation to unravel the instigating events which led to these catastrophes.

The incidents include the mystery of Air Midwest 5481 made unflyable by maintenance shortcuts, the DHL crew whose wing was shot off and an inexplicable aerobatic crash solved by DNA testing.

Every chapter features a detailed walk-through of a real-life air emergency. The author combines official investigation reports and modern media coverage as well as cockpit and ATC transcripts to take the reader through these accidents and near-misses. Why Planes Crash offers an exciting and compelling look at the critical moments which define an aviation accident, explaining both the how and the why of catastrophic accidents in modern times.

Each book in the Why Planes Crash series features detailed walk-throughs of real-life emergencies. The analyses offer compelling insight into the critical moments which define an aviation accident.

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited about this. None of these books would have been possible without your support and readership here, which proved to me that there was a real interest in exploring how and why modern aircraft still crash from a practical point of view, rather than focusing on the allocation of blame.

As an independent author, it can be hard to get the word out. If you’d like to offer practical help with this book launch, here’s what you can do to support your local aviation author:

  • Leave a review on Amazon
    I have a limited number of review copies of all three books, so feel free to mail me and ask for a copy!
  • Tell a friend
    It’s always useful if you help spread the word! I don’t have an advertising budget so mostly people find out about my books and website through word of mouth. Next week, I will be offering a free copy of Why Planes Crash Case Files: 2001 to anyone who signs up for my Friday updates, so this is a great time to share the news.
  • Sign up for updates
    I have a low-traffic mailing list to let you know when I have a new book out. I’ll be posting to the list on Tuesday with the links to Case Files 2003 and then it’ll be quiet until next year. You can sign up for the list here.
  • Share links to this site
    I don’t have a promotion budget; most of my new readers come from people posting links to my work on Reddit, Facebook and aviation forums. If there’s an analysis or essay that you really like, then it’s incredibly helpful to me if you share it with the rest of the world.
  • Post a picture of you holding the book
    Hmm, that’s hard to do with an e-book. But a picture of you with your e-book reader or computer would still be cool and really make me laugh.

Any of these things can help but really, the best thing you can do is to keep reading. Thanks again for being a part of this and for hanging out with me here. I couldn’t have done it without you.

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