I’ve written a book!

9 Mar 18 One Comment

I am thrilled and relieved and excited to tell you all that the first volume of my book Without a Trace is now out and available at all good e-bookstores.

Without a Trace: 1881 - 1968
Without a Trace: 1881 – 1968

This volume covers a range of aviation vehicles from balloons to airships to single-engine planes to jet airliners to high-tech special reconnaisance jets flying three times the speed of sound. Yeah, you know the one I mean. :)

If you would like to support the website, the best thing you could do for me is tell other people about the book.

These true stories of mysterious disappearances is meant to intrigue and interest a mainstream audience who may not have a lot of aviation knowledge. Everything is clearly explained with lots of human interest, in hopes of converting innocent bystanders into aviation geeks.

You can send them to my website to read all about it or send them straight to the buy button to purchase the book from their preferred e-bookstore!

I’ve been working on this series of weird and inexplicable mysteries for three years now, so I’m thrilled that I finally get to share it with you.

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    Category: Without a Trace,

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