What am I doing?
I’m flying. And I have a plan.
I’m flying to the British Isles. All of them. Well, all of them that have an airfield.
After a lot of peering at Pooleys and pondering maps, it appears that we have a total of 38 islands that fit the criteria of having a runway that is useable (not all of them by the Saratoga, sadly).
First stop is easy: “The British Mainland” … I’ll be flying to somewhere near Oxford and asking a lovely instructor to make sure I’m up-to-date and help me with short-field landings. That at least kills the decision of which country to choose, let alone which airfield.
The intro is written. Dates are set and all the basic research is done for the next three stops: Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney. All that’s left is for me to stop mispronouncing Guernsey.
That, and to start collating information. That’s where this blog comes in. I’ll be posting my locations, my must-see lists and my dates here. I’ll be trawling web forums and mailing lists asking for more details. I’ll be grovelling at people to come here and check that my information is right. I’ll be using it as a scratch pad of sorts, I suppose, while I try to get everything coordinated over a two-year period.
And in the end, this will be the outline for a book about the results: Fear of Landing.