News Round-Up

11 Jun 10 One Comment

A collection of aviation news and views that caught my eye this week:

Watching the crash

Me and my mom were in the car waiting at the traffic light on Ingra Street and we heard the plane. “That plane sounds really low,” my mom said. As I agreed with her I saw the plane come over the Ingra House. It clipped the top and then I saw the plane rock back and forth. I looked out the opposite window and it was still shaking. I was thinking “there is no was that this plane is going to go over that small yellow house.” Then, right as I was thinking that, me, my mom, and my brother saw it hit the ground. We all gasped. Right that second my mom pulled out her phone and called 911. As she was calling them, I was also on the phone with my dad. My dad was worried sick. My sister had no clue about this because she was at gymnastics at Arctic Gymnastics.

Kids flying Delta take off from MSP, land in wrong cities |

Nine-year-old Kieren Kershaw, who was flying from Spokane, Wash., to visit his grandparents, knew something was wrong when he saw an airport sign that said Cleveland. “My mouth dropped open,” he said. I tried to stay calm. I didn’t want to freak out.”

Via The Wings Stayed On!: When Otto Goes Bad…

Acronym list… – PPRuNe Forums

FPL (foolish place to land?)
LARS (Swedish guy?)
GPS – Grown-up’s Playstation System
IFR – I Follow Roads
IMC – I’ve Mucked up and can’t C

BBC News – Frosty welcome for lucky plane stowaway

He survived because the plane flew at a low altitude to avoid stormy weather.

The man apparently got under a fence at Schwechat airport in Vienna and climbed into the undercarriage of the first plane he saw without knowing its destination.

A Closer Look: 747-8F engine damaged in Victorville

7 Videos of Airbus A380 testing

The test program of the Airbus A380 did last for 15 months and was well documented. I picked the best YouTube video for you. You’ll see the Airbus A380 in extreme flight attitudes but also extreme take-offs and landings, plus some destructive tests of engines and brakes…

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    Category: Fun Stuff,

    One Comment

    • We did the same at salzburg airport several times. westen airlines grounded their aircrafts until the ensurence payed. Aeroflot’s Illushin 96 technician just bolted a sheat of metal on the cut and continues to moscow. one time a tu-154 had a broken braking cylinder. so the oil pipe was disconnected and closed and flight back continued. different coutries – different habitats….

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