
6 May 08 2 Comments

I’d like to do a print of these cattle to give to the owner. But I have been really struggling to choose a shot. I started looking at them one-by-one and then I got a bit hyper with Photoshop and playing with black and whites and sepia tones. So now, not only do I not know which photograph I like best, I don’t know whether to use effects or not. Help!

You can click through any of the images to see them in full-size in Flickr. Let me know what you think both in terms of the composition and the effects. I need to have made a decision by Thursday evening so I’m starting to panic!

Feel free to respond on the photographs if you have a Flickr account – or just let me know by row and column number here in the comments!

Category: Photography,


  • Pick # 3 in the first row. It’s good because the cows look the viewer in the eye – the two of them are nicely positioned and it shows something of the sky and the filed where they live.

    BASTA! Picked! Done! Move on!


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